Ryan Hoyda

A graduate of Columbia College Chicago with a BA Film & Video, Ryan Hoyda considers artists from the impressionist and expressionist movements as influences on his work. Vincent van Gogh, Georges Seurat, Henri Edmond Cross and Henri Matisse, with his exceptional use of the line, all had an impact on his artistic development.

When Hoyda begins a project, he starts by determining size; he then builds his frame using brick molding with which to stretch the canvas. When it comes to color, Hoyda's artistic process is flexible. He may choose the colors on the fly by glancing at the base image, or he may carefully plan out color scheme days before. Finally, he determines size, direction, and style of the brush stroke.

Hoyda's visual arts professor in Prague, Phillip Hartigan, told him that cameras were made to create replicas, artists interpret what they see. "That notion freed me tremendously." said Hoyda.

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Ryan Hoyda
Saint John IN